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    Related: International Money Transfer: 5 Best Ways To Send Money As not all of these markets were operational during the entire period since the introduction of Bitcoin, we also source a long time series of Bitcoin prices from bitinfocharts. The data cover the period July 17, 2010 until August 30, 2020 and are sampled on a daily frequency. Market information (Bitcoin market capitalization and number of coins in circulation) is obtained from blockchain. These data start in March 2009 and also go till August 30, 2020. The total number of bitcoins in circulation is given by a known algorithm and asymptotically until it reaches 21 million bitcoins. The creation of new bitcoins is driven and regulated by difficulty that mirrors the computational power of bitcoin miners (hash rate). Bitcoin miners certify ongoing transactions and the uniqueness of the bitcoins by solving computationally demanding tasks, and they obtain new (newly mined) bitcoins as a reward. Rewards and difficulties are given by a known formula.

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